Thursday, 29 November 2007

In Passing

1968 Redux?

From our Coweta County correspondent, a pointer to predictions of events following a Hillary victory:

Forty years after 1968, she could find herself sitting in the Oval Office, alone with her “responsibility gene” and LBJ’s ghost. Facing a relentless war by Islamic fascists, she will be caught in the same vise as LBJ: pressed repeatedly by the GOP to fight back and win, hounded by the Wallace-McGovern-Obama-Edwards left to cut and run. And as they did with LBJ, the left will mean business.

The moment she does not move fast enough to “end the war” the left will hit the streets. Led by the and Daily Kos types there will be marches on Washington with one of two purposes: ending the war or, failing that, bringing her down as was done to LBJ. – Jeffrey Lord: Hillary and the Ghost of LBJ
McGehee notes, “There are those on the anti-war fringe who would probably enjoy such a spectacle. They’ve been spoiling for it since 9/11.” He's right, but Lord’s prediction neglects two “elephants in the room” that could make a major difference...

Posted by: Old Grouch in In Passing at 02:28:40 GMT | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Tuesday, 27 November 2007

In Passing

Klinger, take off that dress!

BAGHDAD (CNN) — Soldiers manning a checkpoint near Baghdad stopped a wedding convoy to find that the purported bride and groom were wanted terror suspects, an Iraqi Defense Ministry official said Monday.

The Army set up the checkpoint last week in the Taji area, about 12 miles (20 kilometers) north of Baghdad. The soldiers became suspicious of the convoy because its members — save the “bride” — were all male and because one of the cars in the convoy did not heed orders to stop, the official said.
Upon inspecting the convoy, soldiers found a stubbly-faced man, Haider al-Bahadli, decked out in a white bride's dress and veil.
The part of the bride will be played by Jamie Farr.

Via: Little Green Footballs

Posted by: Old Grouch in In Passing at 07:16:13 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
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Monday, 26 November 2007

In Passing

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good bye!

Trent Lott is going to resign.

Yes, that Trent Lott. That one.

From this (mostly) Republican voter, who's tired of the usual congressional boodling and backscratching: DLTDHYAOTWO.

Via: Michelle

UPDATE 071127 06:17:

Posted by: Old Grouch in In Passing at 16:37:22 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
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In Passing

Maybe they know something

The RIAA's latest round of "early settlement" letters (part of its anti-filesharing litigation) have targeted a bunch of Ivy League schools. Not including, notably, Harvard.

The group said last week that it has sent letters to Columbia University, Duke University, Dartmouth College, University of Pennsylvania, Yale, Princeton, and Brown University, as part of its continuing battle against music file sharing on campuses...

The rest of the 16 campuses include Boston University, Central Michigan University, North Carolina State University, the University of Chicago, the University of Maine system, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of Connecticut, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and the University of Texas, Austin.
Why skip Harvard? Let's ask Slashdot:

Cowards, maybe... • (Score:5, Funny)
by Henry V .009 (518000) on Sunday November 25, @12:44PM (#21472145)

Nobody in their right mind sues a lawyer assembly plant, coward or not.

Re:Cowards, maybe... • (Score:5, Insightful)
by pz (113803) on Sunday November 25, @03:36PM (#21473357)

Nobody in their right mind sues a lawyer assembly plant, coward or not ...

... especially when that assembly plant has over $35 billion in liquid assets. Doubly so when it also happens to be the stomping grounds of high-profile personal-rights lawyers like Alan Dershowitz. To keep this amount of money in perspective, the Presidents and Fellows of Harvard could decide to spend less than 3% of the endowment -- not even this year's interest -- and have ONE BILLION DOLLARS to keep the RIAA in court for the next handful of decades.

No, do not disturb the 350-year-old 800-lb gorilla who has lots of friends and big piles of cash.
Or, go ahead and disturb him, dummies. I'll start popping the popcorn.

• Glenn Reynolds comments:
Harvard could literally buy and sell them. Except that its portfolio managers wouldn't make such a poor investment.
• Coverage at
• Weblog: Recording Industry vs. The People

Posted by: Old Grouch in In Passing at 16:05:40 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 311 words, total size 4 kb.

Thursday, 22 November 2007

In Passing

Oh yeah, this is SURE to work

The Philippines government and separatist rebels have struck a deal on creating a Muslim homeland in the country's south which is expected to lead to a peace accord next year, officials said Thursday. – AFP story, posted at Yahoo news
The Moros already have an “autonomous region;” this agreement makes it bigger.

Just a “peace” of this and a “piece” of that...

Via:  Ace

Posted by: Old Grouch in In Passing at 01:08:04 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 70 words, total size 1 kb.

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

In Passing

I believe the English call this a "cock up"

1. Her Majesty's Customs & Revenue “loses” discs containing personal information on 25 million people.

Records for 25 million people, relating to child benefit payments for 7.25 million families, were sent using the HMRC's own postal system, called grid, but never arrived.

2. Somebody “finds” some discs that appear very similar to the missing ones, and (naturally) puts them up for auction on eBay.
Here we have two CD-R's for auction. They are not blank, but seem to have some sort of database written to them.

I found them in my local courier firm's sorting office, addressed to "Her Majesties [sic - o.g.] Audit Office - Child Benefits Section" and marked "Sensitive HM Government Information - DO NOT LOSE - ENSURE THESE DISKS DO NOT FALL INTO THE HANDS OF THE CRIMINAL FRATERNITY"

They were obviously surplus to requirements.

3. But it appears that somebody else may have already gotten hold of the real ones:
From: Darling Alistair []
Sent: 21 November 2007 00:01
Cc:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; etc etc

Subject: FW: Please confirm your account details

Dear most gracious Sir or Madam,

I am Mr. Ali Darling a Banker with GaffeBungle Banking Plc, here in Whitehall. I am writing this letter to ask for your Support and co-operation to carry out this business opportunity in my department. We have copy of disk bought from criminal mastermind section on eBay, which is full of information on banks and addresses and national insurance numbers and kiddie names. We find your contact details on the disk, as you are valued customer of the national child benefit, and now we know all about your wife and two children including postcode...

Elsewhere: Coverage by The Register:

Posted by: Old Grouch in In Passing at 20:04:42 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 373 words, total size 5 kb.

Monday, 19 November 2007

In Passing

New political position: Prince of Darkness

Tom Friedman proposes an Obama-Cheney ticket:

When it comes to how best to deal with Iran, each has half a policy — but if you actually put them together, they’d add up to an ideal U.S. strategy for Iran. Dare I say, they complete each other.
When negotiating with murderous regimes like Iran’s or Syria’s, you want Tony Soprano by your side, not Big Bird.
Wow.  That prospect ought to make some people's heads explode.

Friedman via Instapundit.
Letter from Here pointed out by Bill Quick.

Posted by: Old Grouch in In Passing at 16:57:39 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 91 words, total size 1 kb.

Sunday, 18 November 2007

In Passing

Entries for your HOSTS file

...and (yet another) reason to uninstall Flash.

The sites (also see UPDATE below):

Wired story: Hackers Use Banner Ads on Major Sites to Hijack Your PC
The malware looks like a ordinary Flash file, with its redirect function encrypted, so that when publishers upload it, the malware is not detectable. Once deployed on a site, the Flash file launches the malicious redirects, which appear to be triggered at preset times or at selected Web domains.

Ban list via: Steven Den Beste

UPDATE 071119 16:08: Large list of sites hosting this malware (prepared by Doubleclick?), from a Slashdot comment.


Posted by: Old Grouch in In Passing at 03:37:36 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 136 words, total size 2 kb.

In Passing

Christian Schneider's weblog got a lot of links...

So what's wrong with that?


With a couple of big work projects coming up, I decided to pass posting duties off to a couple friends who I knew had some good ideas. Naturally, the first post[1] by Dr. Emil Shuffhausen immediately hit the national blogs, courtesy of Tom McMahon. As of Friday afternoon, the post had been featured on The Conservative Grapevine and The Corner at National Review.

So, in about 3 hours, Dr. Shuffhausen got about the same number of readers that I get in three months. The total is at 6,000 hits and counting. Therefore, I now officially hate him and and I hate his ass face.
(And before the dust had settled, the post was also linked by Little Green Footballs.)

Hey, take it any way you can get it, I say...

[1] Actually his second post.  (This was the first one, but who's counting?)
For some reason the Atomic Trousers archive pages don't have links to the comment threads. You might want to access Shuffhausen's post via the main page, as there are some good ones.

Posted by: Old Grouch in In Passing at 02:04:43 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 219 words, total size 3 kb.

Thursday, 08 November 2007

In Passing

After you, John

Mark Steyn:

"Humanity is the greatest challenge," says Colorado environmental activist John Feeney... It's not enough to reduce emissions, we have to reduce the folks doing the emitting. "We must end world population growth, then reduce population size."
Mr Feeney's views are the logical reductio, which means in another six months or so European cabinet ministers and UN officials are bound to start taking them up.
Was going to append the old Peanuts quote ("I love mankind, it's people I can't stand."), except Feeney and his ilk don't love mankind either.
Meanwhile, I eagerly await Mr. Feeney's volunteering to set an example by being the first affected by his population reduction program.

Via: Instapundit

Posted by: Old Grouch in In Passing at 17:42:05 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 116 words, total size 1 kb.

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