Friday, 06 August 2010

In Passing

All you need to know about public education

But if you want to know more, there’s more here.

(Via Coldly Furious)“”

Posted by: Old Grouch in In Passing at 21:37:00 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
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Kaa-runch! (x3)

The wind doth blow  Dept
Yes, these are three self-supporting towers.  On the ground.

This is WWVA, Wheeling– after Wednesday’s storms.  Ouch.

LATER (100807)Discussion at Radio-Info’s Engineering board.

(Via:  Radio Ink)
Previous tower “fun.”

Posted by: Old Grouch in Radio at 18:47:54 GMT | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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Thursday, 05 August 2010


Clipfile - August 5, 2010

“...We have for too long conflated the legal structure that has grown layer by layer like a coral reef, with the underlying sources of legitimacy…the Constitution, the will of the people as expressed by their representatives or through popular vote. In short, the consent of the governed.” - “DrewM.”

Posted by: Old Grouch in Clipfile at 20:34:29 GMT | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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“Guilty until proven harmless.”

Chippin’ away  Dept

City Hall is a landmark in downtown New York – a dignified classical building with wide steps leading to the traditional fluted colonnade fronting, standing on a large open parcel of lawn.  The last time I walked past it, several years ago, the steps were peopled by local politicians and other functionaries, favor-seekers, reporters, and the usual assortment of Runyonesque characters that typically surround the City’s bureaucracy.  Anyone could wander up as the limousines, taxis and cars pulled up, observe comings and goings of mayors, councilmen and lobbyists, and mingle for a moment or two with the municipal machinery and absorb no small dose of all the varied fauna that feed and feed off the public purse.

No more.  Now the huge iron gates are closed and locked. Barricades of formidable size and sturdiness, emblazoned with the word STOP in two-foot-high letters, declare that no traffic shall pass.  The steps are deserted.  The once-busy lawns are lifeless, empty. A cordon of gleaming blue and white police cars flanks its borders.  It’s a ghost town.

One might reasonably conclude that whoever might be inside that building now, they are scared to death.
- “nemo paradise,” Modern Times (and RTWT)

Around here, the “search all the citizens” program got started a few years back when the county’s judges became worried that the armed deputies routinely present in their courtrooms were insufficient protection from the less decorous members of the hoi polloi.[1]  When the courts outgrew the court wing, they mandated it for the entire City-County Building. Now you must take off your belt and shoes, and surrender your nail clippers, before you can register to vote, attend a zoning hearing, or pay your property tax.

Of course the mayor, councilmen, and bureaucrats never uttered one word of objection.

[1]  A former deputy prosecutor friend tells of an old-time (but not that long ago) judge who handled his protection worries– without bothering the innocent– by packing a pistol while on the bench.

Posted by: Old Grouch in Linkage at 18:55:53 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
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In Passing

“Standing in the schoolhouse door”

Somebody could do an editorial cartoon  Dept
Mark Tapscott:
When I was a teenager, the image of George Wallace standing in the school house door at the University of Alabama was burned into my mind.

I only see one difference between Wallace and [today’s] teachers unions:  The former Alabama governor was blocking black kids from getting into schools that could liberate them.  The teachers unions are blocking black kids from getting out of schools that too often trap them in lives of failure, desperation, and outrage.
Or maybe  standing in the door of the charter schools, keeping the kids out.  With the the NAACP, the National Urban League, the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, the National Council for Educating Black Children, the National Action Network, the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, and the Schott Foundation for Public Education standing right there with them.

Ruth Marcus: Civil rights groups are picking the wrong fight with President Obama
...To the extent that the teachers unions are blocking an agenda designed to help the poorest students in the worst-performing schools, and that civil rights groups have aligned themselves with the unions' concerns, these groups are making a terrible mistake.
The Wall Street Journal notes a prominent exception: “Morally Inexcusable”
“We want the best for our kids, even if it doesn’t follow the liberal status quo.” - Al Sharpton(!)

Posted by: Old Grouch in In Passing at 17:40:17 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
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Wednesday, 04 August 2010

In Passing

Enough is enough

L.A. Times Writer: Let’s Have Another National Conversation on Race
 No, let
’s not.  Having grown up in the South I’ve been subjected to all too many “conversations on race”.  Of course it’s never a conversation at all - it’s merely a public opportunity for whites to admit their racial wrongdoings and receive the conditional forgiveness of any black people present while the organizers preen.
If I never go through another one until the day I’m finally killed by the homeless, it'll be too soon. - “Matenloch”

Posted by: Old Grouch in In Passing at 15:32:04 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
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Tuesday, 03 August 2010

The Press

Better read the fine print first...

Breitbart thinks he got a correction:

The Political Times column last Sunday, about a generational divide over racial attitudes, erroneously linked one example of a racially charged statement to the Tea Party movement. While Tea Party supporters have been connected to a number of such statements, there is no evidence that epithets reportedly directed in March at Representative John Lewis, Democrat of Georgia, outside the Capitol, came from Tea Party members. - The New York Times
Andrew celebrates, but over at PJM, commenter Mark Buehner says you’d better parse it like Pravda in the old days:
This wasn’t a correction- it was a further calumny.
  1. They make an unsupported allegation about other tea-party racist statements. That’s what got them into this mess.
  2. They imply (quite strongly) that somebody made racist statements at the capital… but they just can’t prove 100% that they were teapartiers.  Wink.
A REAL retraction would explain that there is no evidence, despite mounds of video and audio evidence, that any racial slur was uttered by anyone that day.  This pile of garbage was a non-apology apology that managed to make further unsupportable claims.
So nothing to see here, folks.  Might as well move along.

Via:  Insty.

Posted by: Old Grouch in The Press at 22:12:09 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
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Dear Diary...

Darkness at 9:30...

Typical Indiana mornings  Dept
Striking stripes across the sky (looking west-northwest):

Getting gloomy in the north:

Aieee! (Five minutes later, looking southeast.):

After all that excitement, it barely rained here (although points west and south got a bit).  Later on, things cleared off; right now it’s sunny and high 90s.

Posted by: Old Grouch in Dear Diary... at 21:27:45 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
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Monday, 02 August 2010


Today’s Ruling Class update

Rabble rouser Jules Crittenden offers a bouquet of apoplexy-inducing links.

Posted by: Old Grouch in Linkage at 16:34:40 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
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