Wednesday, 31 August 2011


Yes, there was a blogmeet Sunday

...with a 2-day project immediately following, hence no report here. Fortunately, you’ll find there are reports available:

Got to meet a bunch of interesting people, with several additions coming to the "Bloggers I’ve Met” section of the sidebar as soon as I can crawl out from under and catch my breath. As Tam noted, "pretty epic.” (Just imagine what next month will be like...)

Posted by: Old Grouch in Meta at 20:15:11 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 128 words, total size 3 kb.

Sunday, 28 August 2011

In Passing

6 more years!

Posted by: Old Grouch in In Passing at 22:19:10 GMT | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 6 words, total size 1 kb.

Saturday, 27 August 2011

In Passing

Another reason government costs so much

Ever wonder why the Wisconsin Supreme Court needs its own "Human Resources Officer”?

Wisconsin Supreme Court Human Resources Officer Margaret Brady was interviewed...
And I’ll bet the pay for that position is north of $100K.

Posted by: Old Grouch in In Passing at 19:36:51 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 39 words, total size 1 kb.

Friday, 26 August 2011


Be prepared!

Posted by: Old Grouch in Linkage at 20:14:21 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 10 words, total size 1 kb.


Clipfile - August 26, 2011

"Whenever I gave much thought to the depression of the 1930s, I used to wonder how the political and financial elites could have done so many stupid, counter-productive things.

Now I know.”
- Bill Quick

Posted by: Old Grouch in Clipfile at 15:58:05 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 40 words, total size 1 kb.

In Passing

Why the hell not?

Shut up and pay your taxes  Dept
In May, the federal government simulated an earthquake so massive, it killed 100,000 Midwesterners instantly, and forced more than 7 million people out of their homes. ... The results of May’s disaster exercise won’t be released to the public.
Why the hell not?  Because the drill revealed major inadequacies that our rulers don’t want the average citizen finding out about?

You know, if we had a real press (as opposed to a bunch of establishment press agents) in this country, somebody would be filing Freedom of Information demands for those results right now.

(Wired via Instapundit.)

Posted by: Old Grouch in In Passing at 15:21:04 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 106 words, total size 2 kb.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011


Clipfile - August 23, 2011

"When someone steals... they are not just taking an item, they are taking the time, the hours of life, and the money that went into being able to acquire that item. ...Allowing this behavior to pass as a ‘small thing’ and to try to couch it under ‘well, theft is a non-violent crime’ ... negates the fact that it is still a crime and one that often escalates to violence.” - "Midwest Chick”

Posted by: Old Grouch in Clipfile at 01:57:52 GMT | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 78 words, total size 1 kb.

Monday, 22 August 2011


Wrong hat

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor delivers more mush for the rubes:

...This fall the Republican Party will pursue a legislative agenda that boosts economic growth through reducing the regulatory and tax burden.
Gee Eric, too bad you didn’t start pushing that agenda last fall.  Why, we might even be out of the deprecession by now!
We will make sure...
("We will make sure...” Pretty confident, aren’t-cha?  Does that include the "we only control one-half of one-third of the government” gang?)
...that Washington policies are less restrictive to businesses small and large.
"Less restrictive,” the man says.  Well, I guess that being strangled with a noose beats being garotted with a wire, but personally I was hoping for more of a "dynamiting barriers” approach...
Our goals...
(That’s better. You don’t have to actually achieve "goals.”)
...include repealing the "3 percent withholding rule”...
The item that’s atop everyone’s list, I’m sure.

(Why, every morning, right after I pour my first coffee, I think: "If I were in charge, what one thing could I do that would get the economy off stall and allay everyone’s worries about the future?  I know:  I’d repeal the 3 percent withholding rule!  That’ll show ’em!  Just watch!  (Now, wotthehel is the ‘3 percent withholding rule’, anyway?)...”

(Pssst... Hey Eric.  Which of your campaign contributors asked for that one?   No, no... it’s O.K., man...)
...which serves as an effective tax increase on those who do business with the government...
Y’know, just a thought, but while you’re at it maybe you could try making it less expensive to do business- period.  Just a thought!
...and overturning the EPA’s proposed regulations that inhibit jobs in areas as varied as cement and farm dust.
The House has the power to bring those regulations to a halt instantly: Defund ’em.  But do you guys have the nerve?  Hah!
We plan...
And we know all about "the best-laid plans...” prevent the NLRB from inhibiting where a business chooses to create jobs.
Answer:  Defund them, too.  (But what am I thinking!)
...We were elected to change the way Washington does business and spends money.
"...and so far, we haven’t delivered squat.  But hope (and promises) spring eternal:  ‘This Time For Sure!  Presto!’”


Posted by: Old Grouch in Rants at 22:39:41 GMT | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 355 words, total size 5 kb.


Clipfile - August 22, 2011

"You get no moral credit for forcing other people to do what you think is right.  Helping poor and suffering people is compassion.  Voting for our government to use guns to give money to help poor and suffering people is immoral self-righteous bullying laziness.” - Penn Jillette

(Via: Coyote)

Posted by: Old Grouch in Clipfile at 14:06:12 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
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Friday, 19 August 2011

In Passing

“Why is the GOP Not Demanding We Open Up ANWR and Repeal ObamaCare?”

Easy:  Because the Gentry GOP and their Beltway Buddies are just fine with things exactly the way they are.  All that repeal talk?  Just for rubes.

After all, we know how well they did on that lightbulb deal, don’t we?

The "Empire of Jeff” offers a Universal Republican Excuse Checklist:
Because (check all that apply):

This isn't the hill to die on.

We only control 1/2 of 1/3 of the government.

The real fight is in 2012.

It'll never pass the Senate.

Obama will just veto it anyway.

You don't understand how Washington works.

Posted by: Old Grouch in In Passing at 22:30:44 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 109 words, total size 2 kb.

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