Sunday, 30 November 2014

The Press

Indy Star prints Thanksgiving cartoon, grovels before PC police

The Memory Hole  Dept

I no longer read the Indianapolis Star regularly, and things like this are why:
Varvel Taken To Woodshed Over ‘‘Extra Guests This Thanksgiving’’ Cartoon On Obama’s Executive Action On Immigration

...After the newspaper began fielding complaints over the cartoon, the Star airbrushed out the bushy mustache on what appears to be a Hispanic man climbing through the window.  Later, executive editor Jeff Taylor removed the image altogether from the newspaper’s website...
Pussies.  If you think you made a mistake, stand up and face it. Don’t even think about trying to make it disappear.

And besides, there’s nothing wrong with the cartoon, unless you argue that unfavorable depictions of anybody of an ethnic persuasion are automatically wrong.  (Appears the SJWs do, but that’s their problem.)

(Of course this is the same Indianapolis Star that couldn’t figure out Indiana’s voter ID law[1] back a month ago.)

Previously (looks like I gave ’em up about four years ago):
January 21, 2010:  Horkage
March 6, 2010:  IndyStar plays "Name That Party”
June 7, 2010:  Gotta lower those expectations!
July 12, 2010:  Hear lightning and see thunder

[1] ...which was passed almost ten year ago, and was appealed all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court before being upheld.

Posted by: Old Grouch in The Press at 00:15:11 GMT | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Saturday, 29 November 2014

In Passing

Shooting Bambi

So the hunt will go ahead:

A city-sponsored deer hunt at Indianapolis’ Eagle Creek Park will proceed this weekend after a judge refused to block the first such hunt in the park’s history.

Marion Superior Judge Robert Altice Jr. denied a request for a preliminary injunction to stop the hunt that could cull as many as 350 deer...
The Indianapolis Parks Department teamed up with the Wounded Warriors Outdoors Program for the project.

The veterans, who suffered life-changing injuries while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces, were called from across the country to help Eagle Creek reduce its deer population with the weekend-long hunt.
Not unfortunate for the Wounded Warriors (and good on ’em!), but wouldn’t it have been nice if any taxpaying residents with deer tickets could have been included?

Killing the King’s Deer  Dept

Then there’s this:
Because of the way the deer hunting season works, if the lawsuit [had interfered] with the Thanksgiving hunt, the Wounded Warriors would not be able to hunt this year, as the deadline is November 30...
Geez folks, those overpopulated feral deer are a destructive nuisance.  (The ones that hide in Marott Park keep sneaking through the back 40 to eat my hydrangeas.)  Why is there even a time limit?  (The state will let Parks use ‘‘professional hunters’’through the end of January, but wouldn’t some one-weekend special permits have made great Christmas gifts?  And they might have even brought in a little money to help pay for our perennially-indigent ‘‘professional’’.sports.teams (latest subsidy: $16 million).

Of course, changing the rules would require some creative thinking at the state legislature, so...

(And don’t get me started about our dreamer ‘‘migratory’’ Canada geese...)


Posted by: Old Grouch in In Passing at 22:16:50 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
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How it (really) works

Spotted in a comment thread at Instapundit:

Its not ‘‘the internet never forgets,’’ it’s ‘‘some guy on the internet’’ always remembers.  The internet just helps him find it.

Posted by: Old Grouch in Meta at 20:10:15 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
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Tuesday, 11 November 2014


Clipfile - November 11, 2014

‘‘When... elected officials, and those who advise them, deliberately construct policies to hide value choices that would be unpopular were they transparent and explicit, we end up with two terrible outcomes:  We get policies that do not reflect our values, and we re-elect representatives who are lying to us.’’ - Keith Hennessey

Posted by: Old Grouch in Clipfile at 20:47:08 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 57 words, total size 1 kb.

The Press

...but not surprising...

‘‘It’s terrifying that the guy in his mom’s basement is finding his stuff, and nobody else is,’’ he says.  ‘‘I really do find this disturbing.’’
(Via Ace)

UPDATE (141113): Besieged by stupid Americans, Media circles the wagons around Gruber

Posted by: Old Grouch in The Press at 20:31:04 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
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Wednesday, 05 November 2014

In Passing

Progressives just can’t help themselves.

The Mission Isn’t The Mission  Dept
Brendan Bordelon:
As last month’s Ebola hysteria tightened its grip on the United States, National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins publicly blamed a lack of congressional funding for the global health crisis.  "Frankly, if we had not gone through our 10-year slide in research support, we probably would have had a vaccine in time for this that would’ve gone through clinical trials and would have been ready.”
and then, just as I predicted...
[On October 22nd] ...the NIH announced that it will grant $31 million to "enhance diversity in the medical research workforce.”
"The biomedical research enterprise must engage all sectors of the population...,” Collins said in a statement.
...because ‘‘engaging’’ all those ‘‘sectors’’ is just as important as maybe doing some genuine research, right?

Zero their g*dd*mn budget!

Posted by: Old Grouch in In Passing at 20:34:36 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
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Saturday, 01 November 2014


Clipfile - November 1, 2014

‘‘...The culture of the academy is one where groupthink is enforced and reinforced through vicious rhetoric.  ...Opponents can’t be merely wrong.  Instead they are racist, bigoted, homophobic, or — despite professed love of the disabled — ‘Aspergery.’  The arrogance is overwhelming, and the fake tough-guy posture of name-calling elitists is laughable to everyone but themselves.’’ - David French

Posted by: Old Grouch in Clipfile at 21:29:45 GMT | No Comments | Add Comment
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